At our fincas we define sustainability as a process that consists of seeking and applying ways to cause zero impact. We strive every day to make good use of the resources that nature offers us.
If we talk about sustainability we must understand that the prosperity of the economic and social axes are primordial for the environmental health. At our fincas we would like to demonstrate our guests that comfort do not means waste, and that is possible to appreciate your vacation without implying a negative impact in the environment.
We are committed to reduce our environmental footprint and enlighten our guests to help reduce theirs.
Let us show you how sustainability is present at our fincas:
We are concerned about the climate change, and in order to contribute we use energy saving lights and timers to control and optimize the use of it. In addition, our finca is built towards the south meaning that up to 14 hours of sunlight are guaranteed, and the houses are equipped with huge windows.
In our fincas we collect rainwater which is used through the sprinkler irrigation that we connect early in the morning to prevent the evaporation to water the plants. In addition, we use aerators and flow reducers in showers, faucets and urinals.
We sow fruits, vegetables and aromatic plants. Directly from the "huerto" to the table.​ You are more than welcome to grab a tomato for your salad or add a little peppermint leaf to your mojito. Creativity depends on the Chef.
We are cero waste. In our fincas we have eliminated the single-use plastics.
We reuse the firewood from the pruning of our trees and offer reusable home made bags from a local product called "Ikat." Furthermore, we use the remains of organic matter to make compost and thus strengthen the fruit trees.
Our soaps are made (free from chemicals) with autochthonous plants that surround us like almond trees. Local producer: Tot Herba
We have a deep appreciation for the environment and a strong determination to help solve the ecological crisis. We try to cause the least possible impact and we strive every day to make good use of the resources that nature offers us. We firmly believe that we can become a society, whose activities do not impact our planet in a negatively way.
As Yvon Chouinard notes in his book "Let my people go surfing", the current rate of consumption, based on an infinite use and disposal, is destroying the planet.
Our mission is to make you feel comfortable, relaxed and disconnected while at the same time serving as inspiration and showing that we can all help minimize our environmental footprint.
Staying at our Fincas is being committed to improve environmental practices. It is wanting to reduce the ecological impact.​